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I was born in New Jersey, and I grew up in inner city Miami, Florida. The flashiness of the 3–0-5 and South Beach, which may be seen on TV and in the movies, was not exactly how I grew up. I grew up the son of very hard-working immigrant parents from Colombia (Dad) and Ecuador (Mami). I grew up thankful for always having what I needed, but it was in a low income environment where crime was common. The schools I attended were challenging due to what can be typical of inner city schools. Thankfully, my parents stressed the importance of education, so in spite of many challenges, I graduated from high school and college. This was such a blessing, and there were so many other material blessings at the time in my life as well. Experiencing all those blessings on the outside before I came to faith, helped me to realize how empty and dead I was spiritually on the inside.
One reason I felt empty and dead was because graduating from college with honors did not fulfill me, and I realized nothing in this world could. Thankfully, the ultimate blessing of the Lord calling me to Him came next. At the time, I was an atheist / agnostic, and I persecuted those who were Christians, and I had a very disrespectful view towards anything about God. This along with me realizing where I was internally were pivotal in me deciding to take a step of faith and make a change. I studied the Bible and learned about Jesus. For me, I realized, “How could I not believe this!” The above resulted in me becoming a Christian. While I have definitely made poor choices as a Christian, which included a pretty significant prodigal son phase, the Lord has always been there to help me to learn what He was teaching me, and I have gotten to fulfill my destiny of being a Christian counselor.
To summarize, after being an atheist / agnostic, the Lord blessed me with faith, love, salvation, my beautiful wife and beautiful daughter, and so much more. The Bible says: I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. (New International Version, 1973, Ephesians 1:18)
When I was an atheist, I desperately wanted to see God. God truly enlightened the eyes of my heart to see Him, but I was thinking I would see him physically. Thankfully, I will literally see Him in Heaven, but until then, I’m truly blessed to be able to see Him, hear Him, and feel Him in so many ways. There are two examples of how I got to see what God wanted me to see that I want to share. One example is how I see my beautiful wife. Of course, I see her with my physical eyes, and truly God created perfection when He made her! However, that’s not the only way I get to “see” her. Blessed beyond words I am to be able to “see” her inner beauty that the Bible speaks of:
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves.
(New International Version, 1973, Ephesians 1:18)
Her inner beauty is this bright light of a quiet and gentle spirit along with this purity and reverence that shines through from the inside out. It shines through her actions, how she treats others, how she deals with difficulty, how she loves me, and even through her smile, which fills and lights up my heart. Some of this I see with my physical eyes and some with the eyes of my heart. Furthermore, while my wife is wonderful, it’s also amazing to see how she chooses to grow in allowing herself to be more and more like Jesus. She truly has a deep conviction about repentance and change. For her, it’s not just about saying the right things and doing the right things. It is truly a change from the inside out that lasts. She allows her heart to change, which is her allowing her thinking and beliefs to change to match Jesus more and more. While her example is challenging for me in a good way, it is also helpful and inspiring because she illustrates a living and breathing example of Jesus. God works through her to stir something deep within me to be who God created me to be. Again, while I can see a lot of the above with my physical eyes, I am also blessed to be able to “see” her heart with the eyes of my heart. There is so much more that I can share about my beautiful wife! Another example of who I get to “see” is my eight year old daughter.
She has the same Biblical, inner beauty as her mother, my wife. For example, it is so beautiful and fun to watch my daughter sing and dance to worship songs. She even creates her own songs. It blew my mind as I listened to her lyrics because they actually made Biblical sense. The Holy Spirit is truly speaking through her. According to the Bible, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” (New International Version, 1973, Matthew 19:14) Jesus, of course, is completely right. Children really do have a special connection with God. Furthermore, it’s wonderful how I get to see and feel my daughter’s love for me and God’s love for me through her even with something as simple as her calling me, “Daddy!” And what a blessing it was to baptize her when she was seven. I choke up with tears of joy and gratitude to God for the wonderful gifts He has given me, my wife and daughter.
The above examples I share because it truly has been a blessing to also witness clients see through the eyes of their heart as God has blessed them whether they identified as believers or not. What a wonderful

Quality Mental Health Professional
My name is Nolan Martinez, PhD, LPC. I help individuals, couples, kids (Play Therapy), and teens (“Teen Therapy”) in a Stone Oak area office with handicapped accessibility, and I speak Spanish. I am available on Saturdays and evenings. While I am a Christian counselor, a man of faith, and while the Lord is the foundation and the heart of my life and this practice, I will not impose my views on you regarding faith, psychology, or anything else. Additionally, at the heart of this practice is a commitment to meet each client where they are in life and go from there whether they want a faith-based approach or not.
My approach is one that is non-judgmental as I meet you where you are in life, and from there, we begin your counseling experience together to meet your needs, wants, and goals as the Lord leads you. Whether you seek to work through deeper past or present issues, take action on issues on a day-to-day basis, see a professional to talk openly with, or combine all of the above, I’m here to help the first session with m will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to explore what you hope to get out of your therapy experience. Wherever a person finds themselves, talking to someone can be helpful.

Credentials & Honors
In 2013, I earned my Master’s degree in Community Counseling from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and in 2023, I earned my PhD in Christian Counseling from Northwestern Theological Seminary.
Additionally, being a teacher for 19 years provided me with valuable experience in working with youth in regards to education and discipline. I provided grief counseling at Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and I co-lead groups for families who lost a loved one to drunk driving. I also got a perspective of both sides of the issue when I counseled individuals who had gotten DWI’s. At Strong Foundation, I worked on various client issues. “Strong Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Christian ministry focused on assisting homeless families with children who need a fresh start in life.” I served in a private practice setting with various clients at Abiding Hope Christian Counseling. Relationships, mood disorders, and psychosis are examples of what I worked on with clients there.

The Client Experience
I provide an exceptional Christian counseling experience and level of care for all clients, and I handle every interaction with understanding, empathy and confidentiality. If you are not open to faith right now, we can still begin your experience to meet your needs and goals.
The Whole Person
I see you as a whole person, not a patient. My process is collaborative and personal to you. Together, we seek to understand your needs and work with you on a plan to ease your burden and optimize your well being.
Learning and Development
I engage in consistent professional training. This includes regular feedback and advice, self-reflection, and ongoing development.
Ready for your appointment?
Now that I have introduced myself, I’d love to help you resolve the challenge that brought you here today. As your challenge was serious enough that you sought out a solution, let’s get started resolving it right away!